Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 25


Feel like I'm boring you...having the same one or two things for breakfast almost every morning....but....doesn't bore me, because I enjoy both.

This morning, usual cup of fresh ground coffee with oatmeal, banana, blueberries, and apple.

Today, it's really cold here and the windchill makes it worse. Instead of going for a walk outside, will go to the Y, and do treadmill and weights.

Today also plan to do a fresh install of Windows XP on my desktop machine, it's about time and I haven't been pleased with how it has been running lately. I put a beta copy of Windows 7 on it recently, but not impressed enough to keep using it at the moment, so will wait until they have all the bugs worked out, and may keep XP on this machine as long as I possibly can.

Well that turned out to be another project that caused me no end of headaches. Nothing EVER seems to be just straight forward with electronic projects. I managed to figure out the major problem but it took me just about all day. Still have a couple of things to resolve. Very frustrating for something that I have done before without difficulties. I can build a whole computer myself and can't do a fresh install of Windows XP? Hardly likely...but happened. Has to do with the way the drives are configured on my motherboard...won't bore you more with details.

Finished the satellite project for a friend of mine, it was a bit of an ordeal, but persistance paid off.


Had a half homemade veggie sub....PDG....pretty darned good!


Lemon roasted potatoes and a mexican vegetable salad. For dessert we had apple sauce with homemade granola. lt was really good!

more later....

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