Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 12


Weighed 237.2 this morning. We didn't make it this week to take our YMCA membership off vacation status, but we will do that this weekend and get back at it.

Katie and I had planned to go out to Affinity Vegetarian Restaurant for dinner, but not sure whether we are going to do that tonight or wait a week, due to the fact I have to eat on one side of my mouth.

Did I mention that I don't really feel that I am missing anything on this vegan routine? Well I don't, and no cravings either. I just would not have believed it, and if someone offered me a big steak or hamburger right now, I would have to decline. Don't know yet if it is permanent, after all this is only day 12, but it is looking like it may be or some modified version.

Had a really bad dream last night that Katie told me to go to VJ's (a local great hamburger and fries joint) and get what we used to have...and I did. Whew! when I woke up this morning discovered it was only a bad dream and was actually relieved. Could not and would not have said that 13 days ago.


Katie made cornmeal pancakes with blueberries, blackberries, and banana topped with pure maple syrup. Delicious!...she made one shaped like a heart...but I ate that one...hahahaha. Here's the other....


Katie made a smoothie, with banana, blueberries, blackberries, water....and it was very good!

Then we went to Organza market which is a organic and whole food type of market. Bought a few items, but not too many because it is more expensive than other places we have seen. I don't mind a fair markup, but when you compare that to other places, I view that more as pickpocketing. For example, one of their canvas bags...granted a bit larger than normal...with their logo and store name on it....$10. What a ripoff! You can get strong vinyl large ones at certain grocery stores for 99 cents. Other items were priced too high as well. We will not be returning.

Then we went to Eatit an organic store. Much smaller but the lower prices for the same articles compared to the other store reflected that. We did not feel like we were being bilked for our $$ in this store. We will return.

Then off to the Bulkbarn we went. We have been to these stores in the past and they are great. Almost anything you want in terms of bulk foodstuffs. Some of the same products as the other two stores only cheaper again. You just have to know your prices. My guess is...if we had purchased everything at the first store we would have been out an additional $10-$15. But here is the best of all, at the Bulkbarn if you bought more than $15 worth of goods, which we did...they issued you with a $5 gift card. Nice!

We had a couple more errands to do...but by this time...I had this time I had a real sore stomach. Don't know why as it was fine before I had the smoothie and not fine afterwards....but Katie had the same things as me during the day so far.

Because of that, we decided to delay our visit to the Affinity Vegetarian Restaurant.


Well this may sound odd, but even though I still had the sore stomach, and I mean sore...I decided to still eat a full dinner even though many people I suspect would have said...skip it...give the poor thing a rest. Still don't know why I decided that, but I did.

So we had A veggie burger and a potato cut into fries but done in the oven. Put some white vinegar on them(many of our friends in the USA have no idea why many of us Canucks do this...yumm!

Surprisingly...but not really...somehow I sensed this would stomach pain started to subside gradually as the night went on.

After that some more catching up on missed episodes of Lost, and a couple of other shows.

more later....

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