Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 30


30 days already......It has gone sooooooo.....quickly!

Now what? We decided to do this when we were still on our January holiday in Texas, and still eating the typical North American diet.

Why did we decide to try this for 30 days or more? I put the reason and the goal in my introduction 30 days ago

"Both of us can stand to lose quite a few pounds and eat in a more healthy manner. We have tried many diets in the past with only limited success. My dad died of a heart attack when he was 54, although my mom lived to what does that mean? Katie's family has a history of Cancer."

Our goal is to get thinner, reduce the important readings the Doctor takes for the annual medical, and in general just be more fit and healthy."

If that is what we are trying to achieve and the reasons are obviously important, would it make any sense to turn back now? The only reason I can see to want to turn back, is that this lifestyle change is far too difficult. Guess what? It's not. I don't miss any kind meat one single bit, I don't miss cheese or eggs or milk, I don't miss cookies, ice cream, potato chips or any of the other junk food I used to eat. Katie feels exactly the same way.

How are we doing? Well excellent really! I can still workout without extra protein. I don't feel bloated a good percentage of the time. My sugar levels are good, and with more weight loss and eating in this healthy manner....I hope to get off my blood pressure pills on my next trip to the Doctor.

Both Katie and I have lost 8 pounds in a month, that's a healthy two pounds a week, and that is without even trying. If I watched the calories closer, I could lose even more, but no need, this is just not painful.

Katie has struggled with constipation most of her life, and it seemed to run in her family. Not any more...this lifestyle suits her perfectly.

Neither one of us wants this to be super strict, like some Vegans are....on some of the message boards. Some of them are "Vegan snobs" who look down their nose at vegetarians or meat eaters, and preach the gospel about animal cruelty. No need for do what you do...and I'll do what I do. The blog was about me keeping a record of our adventure, and sharing it with friends and those interested.

As a side effect, if it was much the better. If it inspires someone to eat in a more healthy manner for their own much the better! If it helps someone lose weight, or get off some pills...What a bonus!!

Soon, I will post a poll to see if their is any point in me continuing to write about this continuing adventure...but for now....THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES!

Here are a couple of videos that are applicable to what we're doing....Hope you enjoy!

and on the really serious side.....

more later.....


  1. Hey Jim and Katie - Arlene and I have really enjoyed your blog - as you know we have switched to this eating style in an attempt to deal with a cancer issue. No idea if it is working on the cancer or not just yet but we both feel healthy,energetic and quite comfortable with the amouont of food we are eating along with the taste etc. Sometimes it gets a little difficult to come up with a different variety but that is when we refer to your blog and try one of Katie's recipes. Works out pretty well. Personally I have spent way too many years eating crap and junk and now I believe this life style will assist me in getting over my previous bad habits. Now - would you mind starting a little blog on golf - maybe I can improve on that as well. Seriously - thanks for taking the time each day to share all your info. Very informative and interesting. See you in a few weeks.

  2. Glad you guys are enjoying it...will try to keep the variety coming!

    Hmmmm golf blog..........Nah...we're too good already

  3. I do love reading about your journey. Jim, you're a good writer and that makes following the lifestyle change even better. Keep it up if it's not too much work, although I know it has to be taking a lot of your time.

