Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 60

Another of my favorite artists...Ray Lamontagne

Two months on the Vegan lifestyle....who would have known! We joked with our friends who started this first, albeit for a different reason, that when we got home from our holiday in Texas, Katie and I were going to start the cardboard and styrofoam diet.

One of our other friends in Texas said he thought I was talking about it so much, I was trying to convince myself. Perphaps I was....or getting myself hyped up....or whatever....matters not now....Day 60 and still trucking along.

Cardboard and styrofoam....far from it!!! We do not feel like we are being denied all the best things in life. We are enjoying what we are eating, and our palette has improved. If it accomplished nothing else but improving Katie's mostly lifelong struggle with constipation, that would be enough, and has it ever taken care of that problem!

The fact is, that it is a healthier way of eating. We're not saying that everyone should become's a personal choice, and we're certainly not touting the save the planet and prevent cruelty to animals just seems to be the best choice for us to eat the Vegan way. Are we so locked into this that we will never have a piece of fish or a piece of meat ever again? No...we do not want to be THAT rigid. But are we going back to the traditional North American diet....hell no! All one has to do is look around and see where that is getting the general population, and how the medical system is overtaxed. We are just doing what we think is a healthier way. Enough said.


Big bowl of oatmeal with banana and the usual fresh roasted cup of coffee


A study in the American Journal of Cardiology claims cholesterol in the arteries crystallizes from a liquid to a solid, expanding and disrupting plaque, leading to potential heart attack and stroke. Researchers examined coronary arteries from patients who died from cardiovascular events and when compared to a control group, they discovered cholesterol crystals following a cardiac attack damaged artery linings and appeared much further away from the site of attack, putting survivors of an attack at higher risk; ScienceDaily reports.

Cutting cholesterol is a bid deal! Studies show the more animal products in a population's diet the higher their cholesterol levels and the more heart attacks they have, but eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are loaded with fiber and plant nutrients, effectively cuts cholesterol, even putting cholesterol-lowering medications to shame.

And a recent report showed why lowering cholesterol and blood pressure is still the major preventer of heart trouble.


Had a salad and a home made veggie sub with tomatos, red and green peppers.


We had one of Katie's great veggie pizzas.

more later....

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